That's what we did. We spent Valentine's Day alone together. And we didn't feel lonely at all. The Ex, Good Guy and I (aka the few remaining singles in our group of friends) decided to celebrate that traditional, romantic, commercialized holiday in our own way. We cooked a fancy three course dinner and enjoyed it with delicious wine in candle light. It was romantic as anything! It was lovely not to be the pitied singles, but to instead be envied by our coupled friends for just one night. Yeah, that's right, the couples were envying the singles on Valentine's Day, how great is that?
Our appetizer, as seen above, was heart shaped and purdy. And it tasted lovely as well! All vegan, of course. So what do three vegan singles discuss over Valentine's dinner? Well, various things, but a lot of time was spent geeking out over Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Good Guy just finished watching all seven seasons and now he's going through withdrawal... Oh, that horrible feeling of realizing you've seen every episode of Buffy that's ever been or will be made. Thank goodness for the season 8 comic. So of course, we watched some favorite episodes over desert. The Ex pined over Angel and Spike (she's bi), Good Guy drooled over Spike (he's totally straight, but I think he might make an exception for James Marster), and I drooled over all the fabulously hot women to make up for all the attention the men were getting. And I cried as we watched the final episode, "Chosen", as I always do. I'll stop geeking out now. I'll just let it be known that this was by far the best Valentine's Day ever. It was sweet and wonderful and I recommend more people to have romantic dates with their friends, it's good for the soul.
Oh, man!
My friend is over, but she's like kind of asleep, and I was reading this and got all excited and all that jazz, and she called me a turd 'cause I told her I wanted to eat your appetizer.
What is it?
sounds like you had a good valentines day! I spent mine on the couch watching bad tv and wishing I had a girlfriend *sigh*. And yes your appetizer looks really good.
It's so funny how mingling with 'meat-eating heterosexuals' is like opening a whole new world to you. I only know of one person who's a vegetarian for religious reasons, and lacto-ovo at that. Weren't you at least meat-eating when you were younger before you decided to go vegan? How did you suddenly 'envelope' yourself in this community which is obviously a minority? I think my friends would rather lose a finger than go vegan. Ok, an exaggeration, but you get the idea.
First thing which came to mind when looking at the black bits in your appetizer is caviar. But since it can't be that, my second guess would be umm, black sesame seeds?
The delicious heart shaped appetizer is toast with guacamole and vegan caviar (aka Cavi-Art). Yum!
As for all those queer vegan and vegetarian friends... I guess I've always had a knack for attracting people in my life that share certain traits with me. I'll have to philosophise more on that in some future blog post...
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