It is so unfair what the years are doing to me. It used to be I could go out and party all night and drink like a rock star, get a good nights sleep, and wake up slightly tired but all right. Now I have a night with friends, moderate drinking, and turn in pretty early only to wake up at 6:45 am, with a mouth drier than the Sahara and a pounding headache. I did manage to fall back asleep, after taking an aspirin and drinking two big glasses of water and I did manage to get up at 9:15 for an appointment I didn't want to miss... but then the rest of the day was just wasted. Whatever I tried to do it just ended up with me falling asleep. I fell asleep in the bathtub (twice), I fell asleep on the coutch watching a movie (at 7 pm) and then again while watching tv (at 9 pm). I got absolutely nothing done, so all of Saturday was pretty much a goner. Today, Sunday, hasn't been much better because I'm still not feeling 100% recovered, something that's typical for me as far as hangovers go.
Regardless, Friday evening was nice. I should probably just realize that I can't handle quite as many glasses of wines nowadays that I seldom drink, compared to back when I was still a student. But there was lots of wine. And then some beer. And lots and lots of toasts to Heath Ledger.
I was invited over for homemade vegan sushi by The Ex and her roomies (delicious!). Sitting around the dinner table in a group of queer women (well, six queer women and one straight dude who pretty much qualifies as an honorary lesbian) we started talking about places we could go out to. Sadly there were no queer bars or club nights to attend, so I had the brilliant idea of going to a hetero place, raising the rainbow flag and declaring it gay. We didn't go quite so far, but we did go out and we brought along my large rainbow flag and draped it over our table (it's terribly soiled now by various drinks). Then we sat around talking and laughing and once in a while giving the dance floor a whirl. I was of course secretly hoping some beautiful woman would happen to notice our gay table and come right over and sweep me off my feet... But that did not happen this Friday, unfortunately. Although there was plenty of LP lounging about. Next night out will be at a gayer venue, so we'll see how that goes. I'm hoping for a much lesser hangover, that's for sure.

I love your blogs.
They kind of show the way I think about things.
And they make me want to be more open about my sexuality.
I was just looking for pictures of Tegan, and I found one, and as I clicked the back button, I saw Vegans Are Sexy.
And I was like, whoa! I'm vegan! And I started reading it, and I was like whoa! This person's in love with Tegan, too! Right after they saw them at their concert!
I thought I was the only one to think that.
'Cause I thought Sara was adorable, and Tegan was really shnazzy, and then I went to see them, and ;asjf;dsl!!! I'm in love with Tegan.
So, yes, now I read all your new blogs, and I've read all your past ones.
And I was reading your cheers to gay marriage or something...I forgot, but, I put it on my "Green" Myspace (Supports all things "right") and put a link to your blogs.
But, I had to put where you were from, and I was looking and all that jazz, and I saw Sweden.
And I was like Oh, my jeez!
'Cause my best friend's Swedish, and we go there on vacations, 'cause her mother moved back with her husband. (My best friend's step-dad)
And I wear the stuff I get from there, all the time.
Everyday I wear the World Cup futbol wristband from...2006? Yes. So it's hanging out all sexy and blue and yellow and soft and Sverige like.
Anyways, I'm thanking you, and saying you're the coolest lesbian in the world.
Well thank you for that comment, made me feel all fuzzy! Teehee, someone thinks I'm the coolest lesbian in the world. A girl could live off of that for a while. :)
Hi, I read a few of your blogs and was charmed by the personality that shown through. I appreciate your sense of humor. I'm also a vegan/les., by the way. I want to write a more personal e-mail to you, so am giving you my e-mail address hoping that you can contact me:
Don't worry, it's not too personal, I just wanted to share some of my thoughts on the things you've written about, all positive:)
I hope to hear from you soon, thank you, Claire
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