I used to pride myself on never falling for straight girls. In fact, I was never even attracted to straight women. Even when I didn't know anything about a woman's sexuality, chances were: if I was attracted to her, she was queer. But then again, sexuality can be very fluid. And right now I'm pretty damn attracted to a woman who very much identifies as straight. Could it be she just hasn't uncovered her inner lesbian yet? And more importantly: Could it be she just needs a little help uncovering said lesbian?
Straight Girl is, although claiming to be decidedly heterosexual, expressing an interest in me. She's was a bit flirtatious last time I saw her (this weekend) and our common friends claim she has been talking quite a bit about me. So maybe Straight Girl ain't really so straight? Perhaps she's at the very least bi-curious?

Women I've had sex with: 3 (yeah, I'm really no player)
Women I've had sex with where I've been their first woman: 3
Yup, 100 % shared their first experience of lesbian sex with me. (And I still haven't received my toaster oven! What's up with that?!) Of course, it should be said those girls weren't "straight girls" when I met them. They were girls who identified to various degrees as bi or at the very least bi-curious. And while I haven't slept with many girls I have made out with plenty (I'm a make out slut, it's true). And many of those were straight girls who'd had a few drinks and started to feel the need to experiment their way to self-discovery. And they decide to do it with me. I think there's something about me, maybe something safe, that allows them to fool around with me without threatening their existense too much. Maybe it's that I look so traditionally hetero? They know I'm gay, but they can sort of pretend like they're just making out with one of their straight girlfriends?
It's not even that I mind being some kind of transitionary station for bicurious girls. I just wonder why that is? And why all the out and proud dykes are refusing to flock to me the way I want them to?
Straight Girl though... I'm totally going for it. I'm in dating-mode and I'm unstoppable.
You seem to be just like me! Wanna go for a date, and I am sure I am NOT straight!
haha, I think that a date would compromise my anonymity...
you are hilarious. you should make a tv show out of ure stories. like have u ever heard of ex's and oh's. i think it was canceled but yours is like it only funnier. go search for it if u never heard of it. and apparently u n i have the some of the same probs -kell
"The cruel hand that fate has dealt me is that everyone seems to find me somewhat interesting except the lesbians and bisexuals."
This is so true!!! I'm a very soft butch or "gentlemanly" as I call it. No self call but people tell me I'm cute and I have a nice ass and I'm petite and everyone always recognizes me as a girl even when I'm in button-down shirts and a blazer. However all of this seems to only attract gay guys at the club! lol So I'm still looking around as well. Where are the femmes??
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